dimgunner.alwaysdata.net Donate

tnt: Transporter > The Vehicle Route Changing

The tnt: Transporter allows you to change the route of the vehicle in three clicks


tnt: Transporter for Android

The tnt: Transporter Android app is available for download


tnt: Transporter Released

The alternative touch-optimized Severodonetsk map with real time trolleybus location released

jQuery Mobile 1.5.0-alpha.1 Released

The first alpha release for jQuery Mobile 1.5 is out with numerous bug fixes, an updated base theme, overhauled auto initialization, new methods, and new widgets!

© Posted on May 11, 2017 by Alexander Schmitz

tnt: Transporter

Coming soon...

tnt: Transporter  tnt: Transporter

tnt: Transporter

jQuery Mobile Is Not Dead ;)

Just small update sorry we didn't get the official announcement out we had a minor infrastructure issue and didn't want to announce until it was fixed the release is available on the cdn and the new demos are available until then though.


© arschmitz

touch:n:track for Android

The touch:n:track Android app is available for download


tnt: Find Me! > Points, Objects & Favorites

The Points, Objects and Favorites tabs has been added to the tnt: Find Me! app


tnt: Find Me!

The tnt: Find Me! app published on the orga.zone platform


The touch:n:track mobile touch-optimized HTML5 project started with Django, jQuery Mobile, Google Maps APIs, ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") and Flot

Another jQuery Splitter

The jQuery Splitter is widget for jQuery which splits horizontally or vertically content with movable element between them and has no problem with the jQuery v1.6.1 in contrast to jQuery Splitter Plugin

jQuery Internationalization

jQuery.i18n.properties is a lightweight jQuery plugin for providing internationalization to javascript from ‘.properties’ files, just like in Java Resource Bundles

Offline Web Applications

Resources about coding your Offline Web Applications:

HTML5 Web Storage

jStorage is a simple wrapper plugin for Prototype, MooTools and jQuery to cache data (string, numbers, objects, even XML nodes) on browser side

jQuery UI Selectable and Sortable

Here's the rdworth's example: http://jsbin.com/aweyo5, source: http://jsbin.com/aweyo5/edit

Include .js in other .js

includeMany is jQuery plugin for including many external JavaScript, CSS and HTML files simultaneously in runtime

jQuery Splitter Plugin

The jQuery Splitter Plugin can split content horizontally or vertically with movable bar and save/retrieve the last position of the splitbar using cookies

jQuery UI Widgets Tutorials

Three very useful tutorials about coding your jQuery UI widgets:

Invert Axis Flot Patch

This patch allows to invert axes:

yaxis: { invert: true }


Schedule Project Started

Schedule Project started with Django, jQuery UI and flot


This post was made possible by the wonderful guides:

I'd like to thank all the authors of these books